Our challenging ongoing series

Every month, we publish an audio-only, member-exclusive advanced episode. This episode is carefully designed to make it a native-like experience, with background music and a much quicker pace. Don't worry, we include a vocabulary guide and an interactive transcript for you to follow along.

Access to these materials is starting in our tier SALSA (5 USD)

We also have a limited series based on discussing articles that we read:

Leer es chido - A series of 15 short episodes about a real-life article for you to read and learn new words


Episodio 39: Respondiendo sus preguntas de gramática

Listen to Ana answering some of your most asked questions about grammar.

Episodio 38: Palabras que ni los nativos dicen bien

Have you made all these mistakes? Don’t worry, natives make them all the time too!

Episodio 37: Ana adivina frases españolas

Spain has so much slang! Let’s see if Ana can guess what some expressions mean

Episodio 36: Algo de slang mexicano

Can you guess what we are talking about? Listen to this episode for a fun challenge!

Episodio 35: La conversación más rápida de How to Spanish

We get to know each other better. Get ready for a speed challenge!

Episodio 34: Quería, querría y quisiera

Learn how to use these three verbs

Episodio 33: Del campo a la ciudad + regionalismos

Life-changing experiences from David’s dad

Episodio 32: Buenas noticias del 2023

Did you know many good things happened in 2023?

Episodio 31: Cómo ha cambiado la vida

Life is so different when you have a baby!

Episodio 30: Chismes de familia

Listen to a conversation between 4 members of a family talking about a trip they made back in 2013

Episodio 29: Conversación entre 3

3 people talk about their childhood experiences

Episodio 28: ¿Puedes decir esto rápido?

Super fast tongue twisters

Episodio 27: Pleonasmos ocultos (grabado en una cafetería)

It is noisy! It is real. Let’s talk about things people say that make no sense

Episodio 26: Analizando una canción con slang mexicano

Learn (clean) Mexican slang by listening to a famous song.

Episodio 25: ¿Pasarías este examen del siglo XIX?

Can you answer these questions correctly? Let’s test David!

Episodio 24: Emociones avanzadas Parte 1

You might have never heard these emotions in Spanish

Episodio 23: Acertijos de lógica

Try to solve these riddles in Spanish

Episodio 22: Todos los ojos en México

Manufacture is moving from Asia to Mexico

Episodio 21: Error 404

What would happen if the internet collapsed?

Episodio 20: Cosas que se esperan en 2023

New technology and world events expected for this year

Episodio 19: Los objetos más caros del mundo

Can you believe how expensive these items are?

Episodio 18: ¿Políticos jovenes?

Which country has the youngest people working in public office?

Episodio Avanzado 17: Lola y Cajeta

The best and worst of living with 2 opposite dogs

Episodio Avanzado 16: Tribu urbana mexicana: Los mirreyes

The wealthiest urban tribe in Mexico

Episodio Avanzado 15: Venezolanos en Islandia

Iceland is not the most obvious choice, but refugees from Venezuela are making a home there

Episodio Avanzado 14: Adivina la palabra de tecnología

Listen to these definitions and see if you can guess the concept!

Episodio Avanzado 13: Un segundo no es un segundo

Did you know that the duration of a second is subject to change?

Episodio Avanzado 12: Elon Musk y Twitter

Let's talk about this piece of world news

Episodio Avanzado 11: No miren arriba

What is the science behind Netflix's "Don't Look Up"?

Episodio Avanzado 10: Conociendo a la editora de How to Spanish (ft. Aideé)

A fun interview to Ana's sister and video editor for HTSP

Episodio Avanzado 9: Finanzas, bancos y tarjetas de crédito

Lots of useful every day financial vocabulary

Episodio Avanzado 8: Historias del 2021

Practice the past listening to these stories

Episodio Avanzado 7: Tribus urbanas en guerra

One of the most epic urban battles in Mexico City’s history

Episodio Avanzado 6: La electrificación de la industria automotriz

Let's talk about electric and hybrid energy in vehicles

Episodio Avanzado 5: Las otras dimensiones

Science and sci-fi

Episodio Avanzado 4: Las protestas en Cuba

Learn about what is happening in Cuba in 2021

Episodio Avanzado 3: El panorama político en México 2021

Politics in Mexico 2021

Episodio Avanzado 2: Mascotas

Listen to other native speakers talk about their pets

Episodio Avanzado 1: Qué vergüenza

Funny stories in Spanish